Coronavirus:  COVID-19

Support for the Community

During these unprecedented times, Harberton Parish Councillors and their Clerk are endeavouring to do what they can to support a community response within the Parish where they are able to do so.

Whilst the Parish Council has an Emergency Plan that relies on volunteers to facilitate a positive response, it does not contain provision for a pandemic.

Parish Councillors and the Clerk are therefore joining with other members of the community to support those members of the parish in the “most at risk” category – those least able to manage the situation by themselves, and do not have family that are able to help.  This group obviously includes those with limited mobility or who are required to follow the Government’s recommendations to self isolate. The principal practical issues to address involve us collectively ensuring that people in this group are assisted with the collection of basic provisions, over the counter medicines and GP’s prescriptions.

Councillors and the Clerk are also aware that it is likely that there will be members of the community who contract the virus and will require help whilst they isolate for 14 days.

With this in mind we would very much like to hear from any volunteers within the parish who feel they are able to assist with this activity and who could help form a village help-hub. If we have enough volunteers we can avoid any unduly onerous burden being placed upon the few.

We will need people who are willing to:

  • collect shopping,
  • answer the telephone,
  • visit the shops for urgent supplies
  • run a Facebook or contact webpage
  • or actually shop for those not able to do so themselves.

We obviously would like to be as efficient as possible and avoid duplication of valuable effort so once we have identified a group of volunteers we would hope to be able to provide a practical people and area rota. We are also currently investigating the feasibly of creating a centralised capability to orchestrate this.

Please call 07961 893527 to offer your help as a volunteer or to request help 

Lastly, of course in order to achieve a good outcome it will require all of us to be as pro-active as possible in ensuring that our neighbours, friends and family receive as much support as possible when and where needed.  Support can be as simple as keeping in touch on a regular basis, or running essential errands they are not able to do and making sure that if they become ill, help is provided where possible.

Please remember to keep a safe distance, avoid close contact, and wash hands frequently and after touching surfaces outside of your home and before touching your face or eyes.


Cancellation of Meetings and Business Continuity 

At the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council in March, It was agreed that the Parish Clerk with the Chair has delegated authority to cancel meetings of the Parish Council as a result of any one of the following triggers:

  • Widespread school closures expected to last longer than a week 
  • Public Health England advice to close public places
  • NALC advice to close Council offices to the public
  • A confirmed case of infection in a member of staff, councillor or a household member of staff or councillors

It is therefore unlikely that the following meetings will take place:
26th March 2020, Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting

7th April 2020, Harberton Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting
14th April 2020, Annual Parish Meeting
14th April 2020, Harberton Parish Council Ordinary Meeting.
The Parish Council has delegated authority to the Clerk, with sign off from the Chair and/or Vice Chair to pay invoices within the terms of the Financial Standing Orders and Regulations and according to the agreed budget.


Useful Links

COVID-19 advice and information

For the latest updates and advice from the NHS and Public Health England, please click on this link:

Gov.UK has published information about Staying at Home and Social Distancing on their website:

Stay at Home Guidance
Social Distancing 

Home deliveries

From our initial enquiries the following suppliers are open to preparing on line orders for collection.

Annies of Totnes  01803 867265

The Kitchen Table

HowNow Dairy 07917 626943

The Cellar Door info@cellardoorsharpham

ReRooted Organic

Follaton Stores (delivering around Follaton): 01803 849191

Well Pharmacy: 01803 863093

Stert Quarry Farm

Pure Dartmoor Water:  07543 500434

A W Luscombe Butchers

The Hairy Barista: 01803 867773

The Wild Fig: 07841 777537

Eversfield Organic Farm Shop: Between 8:30-9:30, shop open for the vulnerable only.

Apricot Centre