Emergency Delegated Powers replace Parish Council Meetings in June
At the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 4th May 2021 the Clerk reported that a High Court judgement on virtual meetings has concluded that primary legislation is required allow local authority “meetings” under the 1972 Act to take place remotely. Therefore from 7 May parish and town councils will no longer be able to meet remotely, and council meetings will only be able to take place in physical settings.
There was a discussion in which cllrs shared views on face-to-face meetings resuming. After the discussion it was RESOLVED that the parish council would not hold a meeting on 8th June and to accept and adopt Emergency Delegated Powers until the end of June. At the end of June the Clerk will consult with the Chair and Vice Chair as to whether a meeting would be called for the 13th July, or continue with delegated powers for a further month. UPDATE: The Clerk consulted with the Chair and Vice Chair on 1st July and the decision was made that delegated powers would remain in place until the next face to face meeting of the Parish Council scheduled to take place at 8pm on 27th July 2021.
All decisions made under Emergency Delegated Powers a result of the Coronavirus Bill 2020 and associated Government Restrictions must be entered into a register and published. The Register will be maintained in accordance with the 2014 Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations.
The register is published on this page as below. Please be advised that links will open in a new tab.
Register of Delegated Decisions