Please click the link below to open the next agenda for the Parish Council.
The council meets on the second Tuesday of each month except August, alternately in Harberton and Harbertonford. Meetings are open to the public and there is a period at the start for the public to address the council should they wish.
Notice of the date of the meeting, venue and agenda is published here and posted on notice boards in Harberton and Harbertonford with three clear days notice of the meeting, not including Sundays or bank holidays. Information is not updated after this posting deadline.
The Parish Council also schedule Planning meetings and Emergency General Meetings and meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan and Finance Committees, for which agendas are also published on this page.
If you are looking for past agendas, please go to this site’s agenda archive pages. Dates of meetings for the coming year can be found here: 2024/25 Meeting Dates. It would be advisable to check back on this page ahead of a meeting taking place just in case there have been any changes to plans.
All links will open in a new tab.
Meeting of Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 21st January 2025 Harbertonford Village Hall (PDF)
DRAFT minutes Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group 17th December 2024 (PDF)
Item 6 HNP Update on Actions (PDF)
Item 9 Outcomes of Neighbourhood Plan review meeting (PDF)