To help increase resilience within the local community when dealing with a variety of emergency scenarios, the Parish Council are hoping to develop a directory of information to help individuals within the Parish. This will include practical information to help prepare for major incidents, as well as information on what to do, and who to call, in the aftermath.
Local flooding in Harberton and Harbertonford in September 2023 showed what incredible community spirit that we have here in the Parish, one which makes it such a lovely place to live. However, we would like to take some of the lessons learnt from that incident to pool together local knowledge and provide the community with greater collective information that may provide some help in such scenarios.
The Directory may include some of the following:
- Information to help individual households prepare for emergency scenarios. This could include things such as grit bin locations, where to purchase sandbags/flooding barriers, local schemes for fire safety testing, signposting to local government agencies with more specific information on preparing for major incidents.
- What local agencies are responsible for in the community, for example, which roads are gritted and which are not.
- Who to call in an emergency situation. Sometimes it can be a little confusing to understand which local agency is responsible for various tasks both during and after an emergency, we hope to make this a little clearer for everyone.
What we would like to hear from you in the community is: Are there things that you currently do to prepare for adverse weather or emergency scenarios that help the local community? Do you have any confusion or need clarity on what you need to do to prepare for local emergencies? Is there anything tips or information that you have learnt through recent events that you feel you would like to share with the community?
As a call to action we’re asking local residents to share what 5 pieces of information would you like to have known or would like to share with your neighbours to be as prepared as possible. The more we can all share our local knowledge the more prepared we can all be.
You can share your information directly with the Parish Clerk at clerk@harbertonparishcouncil.orgor follow this link to fill in the ‘5 pieces of information’ online form.
If you would like to get involved with the creation of the Emergency Directory please don’t hesitate to get in touch!