Call for Sites

Harberton Parish Call for Sites flier


A Neighbourhood Plan gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area.

By creating a Neighbourhood Plan for Harberton Parish we as a community will have a greater say in shaping the areas in which we live and work and in supporting appropriate new development proposals for the future. The Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan will sit alongside the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan 2014 – 2034 (JLP) prepared by the local planning authority.

New sites for development in Harberton Parish

The JLP has set an indicative figure of 50 new homes to be built in the Harberton Parish area in the period to 2034; 30 homes in the village of Harbertonford and 20 in the village of Harberton.

The Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan is being drafted by a steering group working as a committee of the Parish Council.  Amongst other things, the Neighbourhood Plan will determine the local housing need in terms of size, design and affordability and, if possible, to identify and agree sites for future development with local residents.  A Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan has been in process since 2013 and does include a number of named sites.  However, as these sites were identified very early on in the life of the plan and the last community consultation was undertaken in 2015 the advice to refresh and review the housing section of the Neighbourhood Plan has been taken on board.  Evidence with regards to size, design and affordability has now been gathered enabling this Call for Sites to be drafted on up-to-date information and on the basis of clear evidence.

In order to be as transparent as possible with landowners and developers, the bullet points below are provided as guidance to those interested in putting forward sites.  These bullet points reflect relevant sections of the draft Neighbourhood Plan, consultations undertaken with residents in 2015 and an independent Housing Needs Assessment undertaken in 2022.  This advice must however, come with a health warning as the draft plan has not yet been seen by examiners.  It is provided to help guide potential proposals for new development.

We are deeply grateful for the patience demonstrated by landowners and agents as we have navigated the lengthy but necessary path to this point in the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan.

Guidance for site submissions

  • Harberton Parish has approximately 620 homes between the two villages and surrounding hamlets with a majority of homes containing 2 or 3 bedrooms.
  • Over the next 10 -20 years the parish would like to grow in population so that we can build strong sustainable communities. We believe the growth should be within the two villages and limited to around 50 homes as identified by the Plymouth and South West Devon Joint Local Plan.
  • We would like to maintain a mixed population within the Parish and we are especially looking for homes for young persons and the elderly. We believe the number of affordable homes as a percentage of total new builds should meet the level set by the District Council (30%). This is a minimum requirement, and the Parish Council has an ambition for it to be higher. We also encourage the building of new homes that will allow elderly persons to stay in the Parish.
  • The Neighbourhood Plan will develop policies to ensure highest standards of insulation, energy efficient and sustainable in both new homes and changes to existing homes.


  • Please complete this form if you wish to put forward a potential housing site to be considered for development in the Neighbourhood Plan process.
  • You must provide your name and address and attach a map clearly showing the precise boundary of the site for your proposal to be considered.
  • Please use a separate form for each site.
  • Do not submit sites that already have planning permission for housing or other development, unless different proposals are now envisaged.
  • Any sites previously submitted in the 2013-15 consultation should be resubmitted using this form.  If you submitted previously in the last consultation, you must resubmit now if you still wish to be included going forward into 2022 and beyond.
  • Please note this is not an online form.  Completed forms should be emailed (preferably) or if required posted to the Parish Clerk at the address set out at the end of this form.  We will acknowledge receipt of all forms.  The deadline for submission of sites is 4pm on Friday, 30 Sept 2022.
  • Please remember submitting land for consideration does not mean that it will necessarily be allocated in the Neighbourhood Plan, nor does it mean that it is more likely to gain planning permission.  Potential sites will be verified for feasibility and those that remain will be presented as options for development to local residents in order to identify the site or sites that they would support at referendum.

If you have a site you would like to put forward please download a form below:

Call for Sites Word Document

Call for Sites PDF (this will open in a new tab)

If the download doesn’t work for you, please get in touch using the details below.

Completed forms should be sent to the Parish Clerk by 4pm on Friday 30th September 2022

by email:

by post: Harberton Parish Clerk, c/o Little Cholwell, Harberton, Totnes, Devon TQ9 7RZ

If you have any questions please contact the Clerk by email or leave a message on the Parish Council’s messaging service on 0845 557 8469 and either the Clerk or someone from the committee will get back to you.