On this page you’ll find information about all the consultation exercises that have been run in support of the development of a Neighbourhood Plan for Harberton Parish. This includes:
- the 2024 Housing Consultation
- the 2023 ‘Community Conversation’ Consultation
- the 2015 Consultation
- the 2014 Consultation on the 2014 draft Neighbourhood Plan
- the 2013 Consultation
- the 2012 Questionnaire
2024 Housing Consultation
In July 2024 a public exhibition and consultation events on new housing in the Parish took place. An exhibition was available in St Peter’s Church, Harbertonford 1st – 6th July which moved to St Andrew’s Church, Harberton between 8th – 12th July. Exhibition material was also made available on the Parish Council website. Two consultation events took place, one online by Zoom on 10th July and one at Harberton Parish Hall on 13th July. Paper based questionnaires were available in the churches and at the in person event and an online survey made available from 10th July until 18th August 2024.
The following information is available from this consultation page:
- A summary page describing the 2024 Housing Consultation (HTML) and how residents could get involved.
- Exhibition materials as available during the housing consultation (HTML) for view.
- The 2024 Housing Consultation Questionnaire (PDF) used to collect resident’s views. NB: This PDF is a copy of the paper-based questionnaire. The online version used exactly the same questions, using Google Forms to collect responses.
- A document titled ‘Summary of Housing Consultation Events’ (PDF) which describes what happened at the consultation events, and what issues were brought up in discussion.
- A document titled ‘Summary of responses and issues arising’ (PDF) This provides quantitative analysis of the responses to the multiple choice questions, and then a summary of the respondents’ qualitative comments and concerns, also referring to the live consultation events.
The underlying data used to compile the ‘Summary of responses and issues arising’ paper (above) can be read here:
- A document compiling all quantitative (numerical) responses (PDF) to the survey. This shows responses across different groups: a) All 102 responses received, b) responses from residents of Harberton village, c) responses from residents of Harbertonford village, d) responses from residents in the Parish but not within the villages, e) responses from people who’s main residents is not in the parish of Harberton.
- A document compiling all responses to the survey, both quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text). (PDF)
2023 ‘Community Conversation’ Consultation
A facilitated ‘Community Conversation’ was held at Harbertonford CE Primary School on the morning of 10th June 2023 with the purpose get a sense of what the main priorities and objectives should be for the Neighbourhood Plan. It was also intended to show up any areas where further, more detailed consultation might be needed.
Participants were divided into groups of about five to discuss a series of three questions:
- What do we love about living here?
- What challenges and opportunities do we foresee over the next 10 years?
- What would you most like to see happen here by 2033, and how could that be achieved?
Volunteer “scribes” took notes of what each group said. The following information is (or will) be available on this website:
- A two page summary of the main issues that arose (PDF)
- A seven page document that summaries summarises the conversations based on notes made on the day and on debriefings from the scribes (PDF)
- All flip chart notes made by scribes written up. (Yet to be shared)
- Photographs of flip charts notes. (Yet to be shared)
If you couldn’t make it to the event, you can still let us know your views on the main questions discussed (listed above). And everyone can also comment on the priorities and ideas that emerged – do you agree with them? If so, or if not, let us know why. Email us clerk@harbertonparishcouncil.org
2015 Consultation
In 2015 Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held two open days held in Harberton and Harbertonford. At the same time a detailed questionnaire was sent to every household in the Parish (two copies, twice over 3 months).
The responses from 377 questionnaires was compiled and the numerical data presented in three documents. Please clock on the links below to download the initial numerical questionnaire results:
Please click on the links below to read all comments and numerical responses combined, as published 29th November 2015
Please click on the link below to read all comments from the HNP open days 2015 – Published 29th November 2015
Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Open Days 2015 – All Comments
2014 Consultation
Following the April 2014 exhibition of the draft neighbourhood plan there was a public meeting in Harbertonford Village Hall on Thursday 24 April.
The exhibition display is permanently available as a pdf file:
Draft plan of April 2014, in brochure format (note that this document is obsolete: development continues).
There is a list of the comments about the 2014 exhibition, which was published before the public meeting and posted on the wall at the public meeting for review. The paper responses were submitted on a housing questionnaire and on a general response form.
There are extended minutes of this meeting, with a compendium of comments made at the discussion tables.
2013 Consultation
Three one-hour meetings took place at Harbertonford and Harberton halls in November. The display consisted of paper prints of the then HNP website – a wiki site that displayed the development of the Neighbourhood Plan ‘in process’. A few written notes collected at those events can be viewed here.
There were Drop-In ‘Start Up’ public events at Harbertonford Village Hall, Saturday 8th June 2013, and at Harberton Parish Hall on Sunday 9th June. The purpose of these events was to identify the concerns of villagers. Around 30 people came to each event. The subcommittee transcribed the approximately 150 yellow notes which resulted and can be found here.
2012 Questionnaire
At the Harberton Parish Council meeting on 13 March 2012, councillors debated the neighbourhood plan issue and authorised two of the Parish Councillors to research the demand for a neighbourhood plan by distributing a questionnaire. The result of this enquiry was presented to the Parish Council at the ordinary meeting in July 2012, and can be downloaded here.
Earlier community opinions
Two local opinion surveys were seen as a starting point for developing a new Neighbourhood Plan, as hardly any of the opinions expressed had been realised.
The Harberton & Harbertonford Community Appraisal was published in January 1999. A scanned version can be downloaded here.
The Community Council of Devon contacted the Parish Council asking that a similar exercise be conducted in 2009. Parish Councillors decided that the Appraisal had not changed to any significant degree in the past decade and did not warrant the work necessary to compile a brand new document.
However, one of the Parish Councillors undertook to repeat the appraisal for Harbertonford alone. His compilation is The Harbertonford Community appraisal 2010. Which can be downloaded here.