2017/18 Agendas Please note: Historic draft minutes will not be published here as they are superceded by signed minutes Full Council Meeting AgendasPublished papersOrdinary Meeting of Harberton Parish Council, 7.30pm Tuesday 13th March 2018, Harberton Parish Hall Item 13.2 March 2018 Payments Ordinary Meeting of Harberton Parish Council, 7.30pm Tuesday 13th February 2018 at Harbertonford CE Primary School Item 11.2 February 2018 Payments Extraordinary General Meeting (Site) of Harberton Parish Council, 2.00pm Saturday 3rd February 2018 at junction of Dorsley Barton and Higher Plymouth Road Ordinary Meeting of Harberton Parish Council, 7.30pm Tuesday 9th January 2018 at Harberton Parish Hall Item 11 Proposed 2018/19 Budget for Harberton Parish CouncilItem 13.2 January 2018 Payments Ordinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm 12th December 2017, Harberton Parish Council Item 9 CRPF application form and guidance notesItem 10 TAP fund application form and guidance notesItem 11 Harberton Playing Field Association PlantingItem 13 Standing OrdersItem 14 Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group terms of referenceItem 15 SHDC & WDBC Local Planning Validation List Consultation18.2 December payment scheduleOrdinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm 14th November 2017, Harberton Parish CouncilItem 9 CRPF application form and guidance notesItem 10 TAP fund application form and guidance notesItem 11_5 20171027 CAB Request for FundingItem 12_3 Payment schedule Nov 17Ordinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm 10th October 2017, Harbertonford CE Primary SchoolItem 8 One way system at the junction of Fore Street and Tristford RoadItem 12 Managed Solution AgreementItem 14.2 Payment Schedule October 2017Ordinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm 12th September 2017, Harberton Parish HallItem 10 Consultation on the proposal for One Council for South Hams and West DevonItem 11 Totnes Draft Neighbourhood PlanItem 14.2 September PaymentsExtraordinary General Meeting (Planning) 7.30pm 8th August 2017, meet at car park of St Peter’s Church Ordinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm 11th July 2017, Harberton Parish Hall Item 14.2 July PaymentsOrdinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm 13th June 2017, Harbertonford CE Primary SchoolItem 11 Parish Council Standing Orders with clerk annotationsItem 11 NALC Model Standing Orders with clerk’s annotationsItem 12 Example reserves policyItem 16.2 June PaymentsOrdinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm 9th May 2017, Harberton Parish HallItem 8.1 Statement of Internal ControlItem 8.2 Grants and Proof of Need summaryItem 8.3 PAYE Documentation and Data Back-up proceduresItem 8.4 Protocol on recordings of meetingsItem 8.5 Treatment of anonymous lettersItem 9 Bob the Bus AppealItem 14 May 2017 Payment ScheduleAnnual Meeting of the Parish Council Tuesday 9th May 2017, Harberton Parish HallHarberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Terms of ReferenceFinance Committee Terms of ReferenceStanding OrdersFinancial RegulationsAssets registerDRAFT Risk AssessmentInsurance renewal invitationComplaints ProcedureFreedom of Information PolicyData Protection PolicyPress and Media PolicyOrdinary meeting of Harberton Parish Council 7.30pm Tuesday 11th April 2017, Harberton Parish HallItem 12.2 April PaymentsAnnual Parish Meeting 7.00pm Tuesday 11th April 2017, Harberton Parish Hall Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan MeetingsPublished papers PLEASE NOTE: Due to adverse weather conditions, the meeting of the 1st March was POSTPONED until Thursday 15th March 2018Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Thursday 15th March 2018 at Harberton Parish Hall Proposed revisions to Transport Chapter Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Thursday 25th January 2018 at Harberton Parish Hall Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Thursday 7th December 2017 Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Thursday 2nd November 2017 Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Thursday 28th September 2017 Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Monday 10th July 2017 at Harberton Parish Hall Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Thursday 25th May 2017 at Harberton Parish Hall Meeting of the Harberton Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, 7.00pm Thursday 27th April 2017 at Harberton Parish Hall Harberton Parish Council Finance Committee MeetingsPublished papersMeeting of the Finance Committee of Harberton Parish Council, 7.30pm on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 at Harbertonford Village Hall Meeting Room Meeting of the Finance Committee of Harberton Parish Council, 7.30pm on Tuesday 3rd October 2017 Meeting of the Finance Committee of Harberton Parish Council, 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th July 2017 Meeting of the Finance Committee of Harberton Parish Council, 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th April 2017 at Harbertonford Village Hall Meeting Room